For New Members to The Nutmeg Collective
Welcome! This page will help you get acquainted with the group.
Member forum
Our Facebook forum is for our members only. We want our members to be able to share openly and honestly so we ask each member to please keep this shared information within the confines of the group. The forum is also not a place for promotions.
members' ONLY resources
We have a password-protected area just for members that contains resources and local information. Please do not share this page outside the membership.
The 2023 password is NutmegCTmade, and this is always pinned to the top of the forum.
Member discount
One of the benefits of membership is a discount to other member shops. If you would like to add a discount (totally optional) please fill out the form below. The full list of discounts can be accessed in the members' only page.
Nutmeg Social Media
Please follow us on Instagram at We only follow our members so you can easily use that list to find others in the group! We use #nutmegcollective and #ctmade as group hashtags, which makes it easier for us to find your photos.
Please like our Facebook page as well.
2024 Member graphic
Feel free to save this graphic for use on social media, your website, etc. Designed by the fabulous Cyn Thomas of RiverDog Prints.